Government Decision no. 231/2016 for the approval of public service contracts for the period 1 January 2016-2 December 2019 in public passenger transport
GD no. 231 30-03-2016
Order of the Minister of Transport no. 516/2017 regarding the updating of the public service contracts for the period 1 January 2016-2 December 2019 in the public passenger railway transport, approved by the Government Decision no. 231/2016
OMT no. 516-2017
Order of the Minister of Transport no. 483/2017 for the approval of the volume of public passenger transport by rail that the railway passenger transport operators can execute within the minimum social package for which they receive compensations from the state budget in 2017
OMT no. 483 03-05-2017
Order of the Minister of Transport no. 484/2017 for the approval of the Methodology of calculation, highlighting and granting from the state budget the public service compensation in the public passenger railway transport
OMT no. 484-2017